Waffles baked with love

Of all the sweet memories of my grandmother Marie-Louise Ostyn, the sweetest is still this one of her waffle baking.
All the grandchildren around the table enjoyed the waffles Grandma prepared herself according to her "secret" recipe. Was it the dough, the special 'butter-sugar mix' or the love with which the waffles were made...in any case, they tasted and created unforgettable moments in the 'hoveke' with all the grandchildren together. We didn't realize it as children, but then made indelible memories.
Memories that now remind us of a warm, beautiful time. Memories that even now cause all the grandchildren to eat waffles together. In honor of Grandma and Grandpa, and thinking back to that carefree wonderful childhood with warm grandparents.
Michaël Vannieuwenhuyze

Marie-Louise Ostyn